[Seaside] Seaside Testing -

Rob Lally smalltalk at roblally.plus.com
Fri Nov 12 19:27:05 CET 2004

> C. David Shaffer wrote:
>> self newApplicationWithRootClass: SomeComponent initializeWith: [:comp 
>> | "do something to comp"].
>> How does that sound?  If it will work for you I'll try to get it working.
>> David
> In fact, I just went ahead and published it.  It seems to work fine.  
> Here is an example from WACounterTest:
> testPreBuilt
>    self newApplicationWithRootClass: WACounter initializeWith: [:comp | 
> comp increase; increase].
>    self establishSession.
>    self assert: self component count = 2
> David

You, sir, are a hero. I didn't even get through sending a 'yes please' before it was there. And it works spot on so far.


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