[Seaside] #styleLinkWithUrl:

David Röthlisberger davidroe at bluewin.ch
Sat Oct 16 18:24:58 CEST 2004

> then it doesn't work? The root object of document is an instance of
> WARenderedHtmlRoot, so the root is already rendered I guess. So when can I
> set a title or a doctype or such an external CSS file to the HTML root?

okay, I found out that I should use WAPresenter>>updateRoot: anHtmlRoot,
which I can override in my Components, so I can set a title or a docType to
the HtmlRoot.
But still I haven't found a way to use an external *.css File.
I use the WAStyleLibrary now to store the css styles in it, that's okay for
me, but I'm still wondering, if it's possible to use .css-Files. ;)

kind regards,

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