[Seaside] Error: Components not found

Bany, Michel mbany at cincom.com
Thu Oct 21 18:03:41 CEST 2004

This error usually occurs when the #children method is missing or
incorrectly specified.
Also, what do you have in method renderEntriesOn: ?

-----Original Message-----
From: seaside-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org
[mailto:seaside-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org]On Behalf Of Yoel
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:13 PM
To: seaside at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Subject: [Seaside] Error: Components not found


I fail to resolve why do I get this error on the following code:

YWDnChooser>>renderNavBarOn: html
    html form: [
        html bold: 'Search:'.
        html space.
        html textInputWithValue: '' callback: [:v | self search: v]

YWDnChooser>>renderContentOn: html
    html table: [
        html tableRow: [
            html tableData: [self renderNavBarOn: html].
            html tableData: [self renderEntriesOn: html].

YWDnChooser>>search: seqrchReq
<some code>

I get the following error when submitting the form:

Error: Components not found while processing callbacks: #(a YWDnChooser)

*	WARenderLoop(Object)>>error: 

	self	 a WARenderLoop	
	aString	 'Components not found while processing callbacks: #(a
	inst vars	
	root	 a WAToolFrame	

*	WARenderLoop>>unprocessedCallbacks: 

	self	 a WARenderLoop	
	aCollection	 #(a WAValueCallback)	
	owners	 #(a YWDnChooser)	
	ea	 a WAValueCallback	
	inst vars	
	root	 a WAToolFrame	

Where shoud 

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