[Seaside] isolate: not working properly

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Wed Sep 8 15:05:49 CEST 2004

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, Avi Bryant wrote:

> Doesn't look like it has anything to do with your login/nav issue,
> though.  Any hints on a simple way I could reproduce that one?


is a minimal test i made to demostrate it. create app, set root, custome
main and session class.

When you start it, click on the link and then use back button (& possible
refresh). I have figured out that this is caused by mu custom render
loop, if I remove the redirect it makes then the app behaves as it should.
Also, when my root component always returns main in children it also
works. However, I need the redirect (so that multiple auth attempts are
handled by the same session) and don't want to return any children before
auth is successful.


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