[Seaside] supressing rendering

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Thu Sep 16 02:01:54 CEST 2004

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, Avi Bryant wrote:

> You do like to make things complicated, hey...

It's those pesky customers :-)

> WARedirectDecoration:
> WARedirectDecoration>>callback: aBlock
> 	callback := aBlock
> WARedirectDecoration>>renderContentOn: html
> 	self remove.  "we only want to do this once"
> 	self session redirectTo: (html urlForAction: callback)

This is a nice idea, but I can't get this redirect decoration to work - I
always get "Error: Components not found while processing callbacks: #(a
WARedirectDecoration)" - I guess because the callback from the above code
belongs to the decoration which is no longer there? (been trying this out
in normal component code, not from wa main)


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