[Seaside] How-to upload and view image ?

Wai Lun Mang mangwl at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 19 03:48:30 CEST 2004

I agree with you that I was a little disappointed with
the complicated procedure.  I am new to seaside so I
am also interested in this area, actually to alot of
areas to understand what seaside can really do and
what is missing from seaside to build complicated web

Anyway, after exploring a little, I think I found a
slightly easier way of doing this.

To save the uploaded image file:
	html form: [
		html fileUploadWithCallback: [:f |
			stream := FileStream newFileNamed: 'abc.jpg'.
			stream nextPutAll: f contents.
			stream close.
		html submitButton.

To display the uploaded saved image file:

	imageSize := ImageReadWriter imageSizeFromFileNamed:
	stream := FileStream oldFileNamed: 'abc.jpg'.
		image: (html context urlForDocument: stream
contentsOfEntireFile mimeType: 'image/jpeg')
		width: imageSize x//4  "a quarter of the original
		height: imageSize y//4.
	stream close.
And I have enclosed the changeset which contains the
changes I added for the #imageSize method.  Note that
the above example assumes jpeg files but the changes I
make should work for all the different kind of image
files supported in Squeak but I have tested them
because I don't have all the different kind of image
files.  I have only tested jpeg.

I hope this helps.

Mang :-)

--- Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire at ext.cri74.org> wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the tips! 
> To which Squeak objet match the content in the
> WAFile? The inspector
> says it is a string. Is there any possibility to
> convert it to another
> format to retrieve information concerning the
> picture.
> I have to admit that I am a bit disapointed
> regarding the over complicated
> procedure to just upload a simple picture. Not to
> say that Mime type
> and width and height still  need to be calculated
> from somewhere.
> Regards,
> Hilaire
> On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 14:49:53 +0200
> Andreas Nilsson <wahboh at mac.com> wrote:
>   > I just went through this so I'll try to explain
> what I did to get it 
>   > working:
>   > 
>   > First the upload form:
>   > html attributeAt: 'enctype' put:
> 'multipart/form-data'.
>   > html form: [	
>   > 	html fileUploadWithCallback: [:file | picture
> := file contents ].
>   > 	html submitButton.
>   > ].
>   > You get a WAFile in the block parameter so you
> can look in that class 
>   > for ideas, among other things it contains the
> content type.
>   > 
>   > Then to display the picture you have to wrap it
> in a class that 
>   > responds to #height, #width, #asMIMEDocument and
> returns unique values 
>   > in #= and #hash for different pictures
> (otherwise the images will be 
>   > cached, ie. they will not change when you change
> the contents of your 
>   > wrapper instance). #height and #width are just
> used for displaying so 
>   > they don't have to match the pictures
> properties, but it will strech / 
>   > shrink if they don't.
>   > I implemented asMIMEDocument in the following
> way in my wrapper class 
>   > (APicture):
>   > 
>   > #asMimeDocument
>   > 	^ MIMEDocument contentType: 'image/jpeg'
> content: contents.
>   > 
>   > Where contents is the contents from the form
> above that I passed to the 
>   > wrapper instance when I created it.
>   > 
>   > Then to display it you just pass an instance of
> your wrapper class 
>   > (APicture) to html's #imageWithForm method:
>   > 
>   > html imageWithForm: picture
>   > 
>   > Hope that helps!
>   > 
>   > /Adde
>   > 
>   > On 2004-09-11, at 14.28, Hilaire Fernandes
> wrote:
>   > 
>   > > Hello,
>   > >
>   > > I am a total newbie both to Seaside and Squeak
> (and more generaly to 
>   > > Smalltalk).
>   > >
>   > > I try to figure out how an user can upload an
> image into Seaside, then
>   > > how to use it in web page rendering.
>   > >
>   > > A code example to understand that will be more
> than enought.
>   > >
>   > > I saw the WAUploadTest class but I miss the
> second part where you want 
>   > > to use
>   > > the uploaded image to render the image in a
> web document.
>   > >
>   > > Thanks
>   > >
>   > > Hilaire
>   > >
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-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7beta of ''1 April 2004'' [latest update: #5948] on 18 September 2004 at 6:35:24 pm'!

!ImageReadWriter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 07:56'!
	"Dencoding an image on stream and answer the image size."

	^self subclassResponsibility! !

!BMPReadWriter methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:08'!
	stream binary.
	^self readImageSizeFromHeader.
! !

!BMPReadWriter methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:07'!
	| reserved |
	bfType _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 2.
	bfSize _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	reserved _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	bfOffBits _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	biSize _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	biWidth _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	biHeight _ stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4.
	^biWidth at biHeight! !

!GIFReadWriter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:01'!
	"Read in the next GIF image from the stream. Read it all into
memory first for speed."

	| imageSize |
	stream class == ReadWriteStream ifFalse: [
		stream binary.
		self on: (ReadWriteStream with: (stream contentsOfEntireFile))].

	self readHeader.
	imageSize _ self imageSizeFromBody.
	self close.
	^ imageSize
! !

!GIFReadWriter methodsFor: 'private-decoding' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:03'!
	"Read the GIF blocks. Modified to return a form.  "

	| imageSize extype block blocksize packedFields delay1 |
	imageSize _ nil.
	[stream atEnd] whileFalse: [
		block _ self next.
		block = Terminator ifTrue: [^ imageSize].
		block = ImageSeparator ifTrue: [
			imageSize isNil
				ifTrue: [^self readImageSizeFromBitData]
				ifFalse: [self skipBitData].
		] ifFalse: [
			block = Extension
				ifFalse: [^ imageSize "^ self error: 'Unknown block type'"].
			"Extension block"
			extype _ self next.	"extension type"
			extype = 16rF9 ifTrue: [  "graphics control"
				self next = 4 ifFalse: [^ imageSize "^ self error: 'corrupt GIF file'"].
				Reserved                      3 Bits
				Disposal Method               3 Bits
				User Input Flag               1 Bit
				Transparent Color Flag        1 Bit
				packedFields _ self next.
				delay1 := self next.	"delay time 1"
				delay := (self next*256 + delay1) *10.	 "delay time 2"
				transparentIndex _ self next.
				(packedFields bitAnd: 1) = 0 ifTrue: [transparentIndex _ nil].
				self next = 0 ifFalse: [^ imageSize "^ self error: 'corrupt GIF file'"].
			] ifFalse: [
				"Skip blocks"
				[(blocksize _ self next) > 0]
					whileTrue: [
						"Read the block and ignore it and eat the block terminator"
						self next: blocksize]]]]! !

!GIFReadWriter methodsFor: 'private-decoding' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:05'!
	"using modified Lempel-Ziv Welch algorithm."

	offset := self readWord at self readWord. "Image Left at Image Top"
	width _ self readWord.
	height _ self readWord.
	^width at height! !

!ImageReadWriter class methodsFor: 'image reading/writing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 07:53'!
imageSizeFromFileNamed: fileName
	"Answer the image size stored on the file with the given name."
	| stream |
	stream _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
	^self imageSizeFromStream: stream! !

!ImageReadWriter class methodsFor: 'image reading/writing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 07:55'!
imageSizeFromStream: aBinaryStream
	"Answer the image size stored on the given stream.  closes the stream"
	| reader readerClass imageSize  |

	readerClass _ self withAllSubclasses
		detect: [:subclass | subclass understandsImageFormat: aBinaryStream]
		ifNone: [
			aBinaryStream close.
			^self error: 'image format not recognized'].
	reader _ readerClass new on: aBinaryStream reset.
	Cursor read showWhile: [
		imageSize _ reader imageSize.
		reader close].
	^ imageSize
! !

!JPEGReadWriter methodsFor: 'public access' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:20'!

	^ self imageSizeDitheredToDepth: Display depth
! !

!JPEGReadWriter methodsFor: 'public access' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:21'!
imageSizeDitheredToDepth: depth

	ditherMask _ DitherMasks
		at: depth
		ifAbsent: [self error: 'can only dither to display depths'].
	residuals _ WordArray new: 3.
	sosSeen _ false.
	self parseFirstMarker.
	[sosSeen] whileFalse: [self parseNextMarker].
	^width @ height! !

!JPEGReadWriter2 methodsFor: 'public access' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 07:56'!
	"Decode and answer a Form from my stream."

	^ self imageSizeSuggestedDepth: Display depth
! !

!JPEGReadWriter2 methodsFor: 'public access' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 07:59'!
imageSizeSuggestedDepth: depth
	"Decode and answer a Form of the given depth from my stream. Close the stream if it is a file stream. Possible depths are 16-bit and 32-bit."

	| bytes |
	bytes _ stream upToEnd.
	stream close.
	^self imageExtent: bytes
! !

!PCXReadWriter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:13'!
	"Read in the next PCX image from the stream."

	^self readImageSizeFromHeader.
! !

!PCXReadWriter methodsFor: 'private-decoding' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:13'!

	| xMin xMax yMin yMax |
	self next.	"skip over manufacturer field"
	version _ self next.
	encoding _ self next.
	bitsPerPixel _ self next.
	xMin _ self nextWord.
	yMin _ self nextWord.
	xMax _ self nextWord.
	yMax _ self nextWord.
	width _ xMax - xMin + 1.
	height _ yMax - yMin + 1.
	^width at height

! !

!PNGReadWriter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:16'!
	bigEndian := Smalltalk isBigEndian.
	filtersSeen _ Bag new.
	globalDataChunk _ nil.
	transparentPixelValue _ nil.
	unknownChunks _ Set new.
	stream reset.
	stream binary.
	stream skip: 8.
	[stream atEnd or: [width notNil and: [ height notNil]]] whileFalse: [self processNextChunk].
	^width at height! !

!XBMReadWriter methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:19'!
	"Set width and height, and position stream at start of bytes"
	| number setwidth setheight fieldName |
	setwidth _ setheight _ false.
		[((stream atEnd) or: [setwidth and: [setheight]])]
		whileFalse: [
	  	self skipCComments.
		(stream nextMatchAll: '#define ') ifFalse: [^ false].
		(stream skipTo: $_) ifFalse: [^ false].
		fieldName _ String streamContents:
			[:source |
			[(stream atEnd) or: [ stream peek isSeparator ]]
				whileFalse: [ source nextPut: stream next]].
	  	(fieldName = 'width') ifTrue: [
			stream skipSeparators.
			number _ Integer readFrom: stream.
			(number > 0) ifTrue: [setwidth _true].
	  		width _ number.].
		(fieldName = 'height') ifTrue: [
			stream skipSeparators.
			number _ Integer readFrom: stream.
			(number > 0) ifTrue: [setheight _ true].
			height _ number.
	(setwidth & setheight) ifFalse: [^ nil].
	^width at height
! !

!XBMReadWriter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'mang 9/14/2004 08:17'!
	"Read in the next xbm image from the stream."
	stream reset.
	stream ascii.
	^self readImageSizeFromHeader.
! !

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