[Seaside] using WALoginDialog

Brian Brown rbb at techgame.net
Fri Apr 1 19:32:24 CEST 2005

This doesn't use WALoginDialog, cuz I've never used that, but I hope it 
helps ;)


Read through this, and is should help. Since all the GOODS database 
stuff in encapsulated in the Session, the login code part of this will 
work with anything, GOODS not required.

Like HweeBoon said, make your application main class a Subclass of 
WATask, and in the #go method do something like:

     	(self session loggedUser isNil)
			[self session loggedUser:
				(self call: MyLoginComponent new)].
	self call: (MyMainComponent new)

This is somewhat simplistic, but will work fine. What is happening?

the #go method basically acts like loop. Anywhere a #call: happens 
effectively suspends the loop until the #call:'d component returns. In 
the above code, the session method #loggedUser is checked, if it is 
nil, then a new MyLoginComponent is instantiated and given control. 
This method assumes that the MyLoginComponent returns the valid user 
object. If a valid user/password aren't provided in the form, then the 
MyLoginComponent never returns.

Once a valid login exists, control is turned over to MyMainComponent. 
When the session times out, or you give an explicit logout method, the 
#loggedUser will return nil again.


On Apr 1, 2005, at 7:25 AM, Tibor Blenessy wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm trying to build application with secure area, where I need login
> dialog. I have something like this
> SISMain>>renderContentOn:
> renderContentOn: html
> 	username := self call: (WALoginDialog new authenticator: (SISLogin 
> new)).
> 	(username isNil)
> 		ifTrue: [html text: 'Must log in']
> 		ifFalse: [html text: 'Welcome!'].
> SISLogin is temporary now
> SISLogin>>verifyPassword: forUser
> verifyPassword: aPassword forUser: anUser
> 	^anUser = 'tibor'
> Problem is, that if user succesfully logged in and then press back 
> button
> he again see login form. And if he try to logg in again, he gets
> "500 Internal Server Error MessageNotUnderstood: 
> UndefinedObject>>reset"
> Desired behavor is, that he can again succesfully login.
> Can anyone help?
> Tibor
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