[Seaside] Images in a CSS style library

David Röthlisberger davidroe at bluewin.ch
Wed Apr 20 10:45:35 CEST 2005


I would like to know if it's possible to store images in a style library
(subclass of WAStyleLibrary)? I know how to store images in the Squeak
image, but is it also possible to refer to this image from within a CSS

So far we have something like this in the CSS style: 
background: url(http://foobar.com/images/header-logo.png) no-repeat;

So the images are stored on a remote server from which they are loaded into
the website. Now we would like to have this header-logo.png directly in the
Squeak image, so we need a way to specify in the CSS definition the place
where this picture is stored in the image. We would like to have a method in
our style library where the data of the image is stored as a byte array, but
how can we do the link to the CSS definition?
Is this possible? Or is there any other way to store pictures in the Squeak
image and to refer to them via CSS?

Kind regards,

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