AW: [Seaside] Images in a CSS style library

David Röthlisberger davidroe at
Thu Apr 28 14:18:03 CEST 2005


> loadStaticDocuments
>     Smalltalk at: #StaticDocumentsRepository put: Dictionary new.
>     (FileDirectory on: (FileDirectory default fullPathFor: 
> 'resources')) fileNames
>         do: [ :fileName | self loadStaticDocument: fileName ].
> loadStaticDocument: fileName
>      | path |
>     path := (FileDirectory default fullPathFor: 'resources'), 
>  FileDirectory slash,  fileName.
>     StaticDocumentsRepository at: fileName
>         put: (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: path) binary 
> contentsOfEntireFile.


Basically I do the same as you and pass a byte array to the HttpResponse:
(HttpResponse fromStream: img readStream contentType: 'image/png').
img is a ByteArray with the data of the image.

But I get an error when I try to access such an image in the browser:
Strings only store characters.
I use KomHttpServer 6.2 which uses SocketStreams. Now HttpAdaptor tries to
store this ByteArray into the writeStream of the SocketStream, but this
write stream is created with a String as the collection, so a ByteArray
cannot be stored in this SocketStream. Too bad...
Do you use another version of KomHttpServer? I tried 6.1 too, but this does
not work in a Squeak 3.7 image, i guess...


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