[Seaside] urlForDocument

Cédric Mesnage cedric.mesnage at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 12:09:16 CEST 2005


I'm working on a VRML/X3D Component for seaside, I already have done a
library to create that kind of documents and a WA3d component. The
problem I have is that sometimes (often), the document is said : 'That
page has expired.' ... Here is what I am doing in the rendering method
of the WA3d component:

renderContentOn: html
   url := html  context urlForDocument: x3dDocument asVrml mimeType:
'model/vrml' fileName: 'vrml.wrl'.
   html attributeAt: 'src' put: url.
   html attributeAt: 'width' put: '600'. 
   html attributeAt: 'height' put: '400'.  
   html tag: #embed.

The fact is that (x3dDocument asVrml) works all the time so I just
can't figure out why sometimes the document is unreachable.
If someone experienced the same problem...

Thank you for any suggestion.
Cédric Mesnage
Master 2 Student in CAEN
cedric.mesnage at gmail.com

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