[Seaside] How to add GLORP to a Seaside application?

Martin J. Laubach mjl at laubach.at
Wed Feb 2 13:46:23 CET 2005

| > leads to my losing much hair...
| Well yeah, you will lose much hair. Did you expect things to be easy?

  Er, ahem, in fact, yes :-)

| begin unit of work
| register original object
| replay changes from the copy to the original
| commit unit of work

  Yes, that's what I ended up with too. It's pretty much manual
copying right now for me, I'll think about automation when it gets
too tedious.

  Ie., when the user hits "Save" or "Abort", I do something like

		glorpSession modify: myObject
					in: [ myObject copyDataFrom: formData ].

| So... on one side I'm glad to have it, because it (mostly) works and I
| don't have anything better. On other side, I'm unhappy about it because
| it's ugly and I don't have anything better.

  My feelings exactly. I wish glorp could do multiple UnitOfWorks,
well, at least something's left to wish for...

  Thanks for the help!


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