[Seaside] [Bug][Fix] WADateSelector

Raymond Asselin raymondasselin at sympatico.ca
Thu Jul 7 17:11:13 CEST 2005

Le 2005/07/07, Raymond Asselin <raymondasselin at sympatico.ca>
écrivait :

>Le 2005/07/07, Raymond Asselin <raymondasselin at sympatico.ca>
>écrivait :
>>The following give an error when the month is precisely 12 like in

>privateIsValidDay: theDay monthNumber: theMonth year: theYear
>    | maxDay |
>    theMonth >= 0 & (theMonth <= 12) ifFalse: [^false].
>    maxDay := Month daysInMonth: theMonth forYear: theYear.
>    ^theDay > 0 & (theDay <= maxDay)

I don't really understand the use of zero, as Squeak does'nt use zero
base array like Forth...am I wrong?

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