[Seaside] Component rendering

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 15:24:27 CEST 2005

On 6/21/05, Alain Fischer <alain.fischer at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> What is the simplest way to render a component ?
> In the past, I was using:
> > testSstTemplate


Good question.  The below seems to work (though duplicating a fair bit
of WARenderLoop>>render):

WAComponent class>>renderSampleInstance: aBlock
|session root context docRoot document|
session := WASession application: WAApplication new.
^ WACurrentSession use: session during:
	[root := self new.
	aBlock value: root.
	context := WARenderingContext new request: WARequest new.
	context actionUrl: (WAUrl new addToPath: 'action').
	docRoot := WAHtmlRoot new.
	root visiblePresentersDo: [:ea | ea updateRoot: docRoot].
	document := WAHtmlStreamDocument root: docRoot.
	context document: document.
	root decorationChainDo: [:ea | ea renderWithContext: context].
	document close.
	document stream contents]

Use it like this:

"should return HTML for a counter of value 2"
WACounter renderSampleInstance: [:inst | inst increase; increase]

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