[Seaside] No walkback when error in form callback when form is submitted by another a batched list

Yar Hwee Boon hboon at motionobj.com
Tue Mar 22 03:02:57 CET 2005

On 22-Mar-05, at AM 05:32, Avi Bryant wrote:

> Your change set didn't include an implementation of your
> #submitFormOnClick: method, but it seems like it submits two requests
> simultaneously: a GET for the link and a POST for the form.  This is
> at least part of the problem: the browser is displaying the response
> for the GET request (which has no error) but ignoring the response for
> the POST.

Ahh, how stupid I can be. You are right of course. The implementation 

	WAHtmlAttributes>>submitFormOnClick: aFormNameString
		self at: 'onClick' put: 'submitForm("' , aFormNameString , '");'

and it should be the following instead:
	WAHtmlAttributes>>submitFormOnClick: aFormNameString
		self at: 'onClick' put: 'submitForm("' , aFormNameString , '"); 
return false;'

BTW, I'd like to remind you of an issue I reported earlier, regarding 
WAHtmlAttributes>>submitOnClick. It only seems to work in Safari, and 
possibly Opera/Win, which was why I added 
WAHtmlAttributes>>submitFormOnClick:. Anyway, you would need a "return 
false" in WAHtmlAttributes>>submitOnClick too, to avoid this problem. 

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