[Seaside] how to make bookmarkable urls?

Todd Blanchard tblanchard at mac.com
Sat Nov 26 08:44:31 CET 2005

On Nov 25, 2005, at 1:26 AM, Avi Bryant wrote:

> So probably what you want to do is extend WAAnchorTag to allow you  
> to modify the URL before it gets stuck in as the href attribute...  
> the API could maybe look like:
> html anchor
>           updateUrl: [:u | u addToPath: myCleverPathAddition];
>           callback: [self doStuff];
>           text: 'Bookmark me'
> Seem reasonable?

that works great if you also change urlForAction: to look like this

urlForAction: aBlock
	| url |
	callbackKey := canvas callbacks registerActionCallback: aBlock.
	url := canvas context actionUrl withParameter: callbackKey.
	updateUrl isNil ifFalse: [updateUrl value: url].
	^ url urlWithQueryString

-Todd Blanchard

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