[Seaside] Scriptaculous on IE

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 17:37:47 UTC 2006

> In a site I worked on about two years ago, I used a lot of javascript
> and DHTML and found that they were problematic on differing
> browsers.  I'd assume that Scriptalicious is implemented using one or
> both of these and would suffer the same sort of consequences without
> a bunch of conditional code to handle certain browsers (which it may or
> may not have done -- I've never looked).  For me, I'll be
> sticking with a more vanilla approach for now..

script.aculo.us is based on the prototype library
(prototype.conio.net), it is designed in a nice (looks slightly like
Ruby/Smalltalk) and extensible way. The conditional code is (mostly)
at one single place where the prototypes are built, so you don't have
to care in your code. The prototype for IE gets slightly different
code, than the ones of FireFox or Safari. There are a lot of
regression tests included that can be run on the different target


Lukas Renggli

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