[Seaside] Cascaded liveUpdates not working?

Bany, Michel mbany at cincom.com
Wed Aug 16 12:21:21 UTC 2006

>   Should cascaded liveUpdates work or don't they by design? 
> The problem at hand is the following: I select something from 
> a select box, then I want some checkboxes to appear. I click 
> on a checkbox and something should happen immediately.

Cascaded live updates are designed to work. If it does not,
then we have a bug.

There is a working example at /seaside/tests/async/classic/livetests
entitled "Nested live callbacks". However this example is for 
Seaside "classic" and I am afraid that cascading live updates
with the canvas api has never been tested.

You may want to rewrite your fruit example for the classic api
and verify that it works. If it does then you have your work-around

... until this bug is fixed.


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