[Seaside] Serving static graphics with comanche

Cédrick Béler cbeler at enit.fr
Tue Jan 3 11:54:03 CET 2006

> I want comanche to serve static files and seaside application. The 
> latter is ok and static files is also ok  as long as it is html... but 
> I cannot view for instance an image file (.jpg  .bmp ...)... the 
> processor hangs (os: linux). Is it normal ? is it due to what's said 
> in this post ?

oups I missed a post that gave this adress: 
http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs2340/2913 . Sorry !

"Don't assume it knows where your data files are stored, because it 
doesn't, plus that would be of no help anyway ****since it can't 
directly display an image sitting in your squeak directory.****"

form := Form fromFileNamed: 'squeaken.gif'

(request url asLowercase endsWith: '.gif')
    ifTrue: [^form].

Do we need to do something like that to serve files ? 
anyway I'll spend some time to dig into KomHttp...
If someone knows a tutorial on that, please tell me

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