[Seaside] refactoring large renderContentOn: methods...

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at laposte.net
Thu Jul 20 06:29:31 UTC 2006

Rick Flower wrote:
> I've got one renderContentOn: method for one of my web-app classes (and 
> believe that I'll probably have this sort of issue with some of my other 
> rendering classes as well) and would like to break-apart some of the 
> content into smaller pieces that can then be directly rendered by the 
> aforementioned renderContentOn: method.  I tried using perform: but am 
> not really sure how it works (and I didn't get it to work), but it 
> looked similar to what I'm looking for (I saw it in some of the Seaside 
> example test code).  Anyway, just wondering if this is do-able or not 
> and if so, what's the best method?


I'm sure I miss something in your mail but can't find what. Why do you 
need #perform: ? This message is used when you have a symbol and want to 
call the associated method.

selector := #printString.
value := 13 perform: selector.

value is a string that equals to '13'.

If you want to simplify renderContentOn:, you can always do things like 

renderContentOn: html
   self renderTitleOn: html.
   self renderBodyOn: html.
   self renderFooterOn: html

and implement thoose three new methods. But again, I'm quite sure you 
already know that. You may want to explain again what you want.


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