[Seaside] KomServices

Ramon Leon rleon at insario.com
Tue Mar 14 16:38:41 UTC 2006

> Look for a send to #listenOn:backlogSize:  and change it to
> #listenOn:backlogSize:interface: .
> Avi

Had no luck getting this to work last night.  I found a sender in
WAListener>>listenLoop but it appears to be unused, I could find no
class refs to WAListener, I'm using latest 2.6a3 from repository.  I
really need to be able to bind Kom to a single ip, and serve static
files as well.  I'm currently using this startup script I found from
Shaffer-Consulting.com seaside tutorial.

startOn: aPort 
    | ma seaside |
    "Kill all existing Kom HTTP servers"
    HttpService allInstancesDo: [:each | each stop. each unregister].

    "Start a new server on port servering both static content and
seaside apps"
    seaside := WAKom default.
    ma := ModuleAssembly core.
    ma serverRoot: (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'content')
    ma alias: '/seaside' to: [ma addPlug: [:request | seaside process:
    ma documentRoot: (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'content')
    ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
    ma serveFiles.
    (HttpService startOn: aPort named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule.

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