[Seaside] Scriptaculous - Sortable

Mart-Mari Breedt breedt_m at aircom.co.za
Wed May 24 08:06:35 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I have just started playing with Scriptaculous a bit, and so far it is
going ok. I used the SUSortableTest as a basis to work from and created
my own example (inheriting from SUComponent) with a single list. I can
drag and drop items in the list, but I can just not figure out why my
triggerSortable:callback: doesn't seem to be called. I put a halt in the
callback block, and it definetly never gets there. Is there maybe some
trick or something I need to use that I might have missed.

My selector for rendering my list (menu) looks like this:

renderMenuOn: html

    html unorderedList
        id: 'mainMenu';
        style: 'width: 200px; min-height: 50px;';
        script: (html sortable
            constraint: false;
            dropOnEmpty: true;
            containment: #( mainMenu );
            onUpdate: (html ajax
                id: 'mainMenu'; 
                triggerSortable: 'mainMenu'
                    callback: [ :values | self menuItems: values ];
                callback: [ :renderer | ]
        with: [
            (self menuItems) do: [ :each |
                 html listItem: [ self renderMenuItem: each on: html ]

Can the sortable example work on a table with table rows as well?

Kind regards,


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