[Seaside] [RFT] New web project

Chuck Kasmire ckasmire at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 23:41:26 UTC 2006

Seems like their are two main areas here:

- how to manipulate/interact with the different
components and the other: 

- how to keep track of that state and associated data
on the back end.

> I guess we have to define the "common user". I would
> like to see development expanded to non developers.
> In your face MVC type
> abstractions are way to complicated to
> non-developers. They want WYSIWYG. 

If I want to move my couch around, I would prefer not
to have to leave my house, go to some office, enter a
specification etc, and then go back to my house to see
if I like the new position of my couch - I just want
to grab it and move it. Same with other rooms, I want
to go there (drill down to that component), interact
with it until I am happy with what it looks like and
then leave.

That doesn't mean the model is flat - just that the UI
allows that kind of interaction.

> Relational databases are statically typed and tend
> to be inflexible. Smalltak is not and is extremely
> flexible. By tying your framework a
> Relational database you loose some of the
> flexibility of Smalltalk.

Depending on how the application is used, it seems
like you could have sort of a hybrid model. That is, a
development model using in odb that would map to a
relational db for a 'published' version. By adding
some smarts to your persistent objects, it is not that
difficult (well, it wasn't the time that I tried it)
to have them build a relational representation of

> Lets face it most business applications are not
> intellectually  
> complicated, only building them is.

Until you get enough developers working on them - then
they get really complicated :-)

-Chuck Kasmire

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