[Seaside] Dynamically adding children

Francois Beausoleil francois.beausoleil at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 03:13:37 UTC 2006

Hi all !

I'm still learning my way around Smalltalk / Seaside.  I have the
regular Address Book application running.  I have Name, Address, Phone
and Contact model objects.  I have corresponding *Editor classes too.

I can edit objects which already have addresses, and now I'm ready to
tackle adding new addresses from the UI.

A Contact has many Addresses, and Contact sports these methods to access them:

What I want to achieve is on the contact editor form, I want a place
where I can type the name/location of the new address, and after
submitting the form, a new, blank, AddressEditor should be appended to
the general form.

Here is my incomplete solution:

html form: [
	html fieldsetWithLegend: 'Contact' do: [
	html render: nameEditor.
	html divNamed: 'addresses' with: [
		html label: 'New address named' input: [
		html textInputWithCallback: [:name |
			self model addressAt: name put: Address new.
			subcomponents add: (self addressEditorFor: (self model addressAt:
name) named: name)].
		html submitButton.
		addressEditors keysAndValuesDo: [:location :editor |
			html divClass: 'address' with:  [html render: editor]]]].
	html submitButtonWithAction: [self save]]]

I don't even know if it's valid to change subcomponents (which is
returned by #children) while callbacks are being processed.  I found a
thread[1] which explained a similar problem, except the OP was doing
it with live updates.  I'm not ready for that yet.

Anyway, it's probably something simple, and I'm not finding it.  I
must also be using the wrong query in GMail, because I can't find
anything remotely resembling what I want.

Thanks !
François Beausoleil

[1] http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2006-July/008377.html

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