[Seaside] Scriptaculous

Jason Rogers jacaetevha at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 12:02:00 UTC 2006

On 10/20/06, Philippe Marschall <philippe.marschall at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/10/20, Lukas Renggli <renggli at gmail.com>:
> > > What's the timeline on 2.7a anyway? I know some people are working on
> > > it, but so far I have no idea who and what direction its taking even.
> > > We'd placed some serious long run bets on Seaside, so any feedback would
> > > be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Philippe and I started this version at ESUG. One of the main goals was
> > to old renderer deprecated and to clean up the old code, if necessary
> > by explicitly breaking backward compatibility.
> >
> > There are some ugly parts that we would like fixed and that annoy us every day:
> >
> > - clean up the source code, e.g. remove old assignments (done)
> > - default #rendererClass changed, most components converted (mostly done)
> > - several fixes to rendering canvas (mostly done)
> > - #updateRoot: to use a canvas like API (done)
> > - to have a file library in Seaside (done, but not integrated)
> > - to clean up WARequestHandler and friends (open)
> > - clean up the code using SLint (started)
> > - deprecate unused and old unused code (started)
> >
> > Philippe? I am sure that I forgot a lot of things!
> - make the root api more canvas like (first version done, we are
> trying how it works, first results are positive)
> - new very cool deprication mechanism
> - full ruby support (backported to 2.6b1)
> - even more html elements (backported to 2.6b1)
> - WAAnchorTag >> #tooltip has been removed (use #title instead)
> - WAListener fixes (backported to 2.6b1)
> - other fixes and convenience methods
> > For the timeline: Things just happen as we need them and as we have
> > time to work on (for me this is very limited at the moment).
> >
> > We are using this version in several open-source and commercial projects.
> >

I saw the Ruby methods in 2.7a and you mention "full Ruby support"
above, what's that all about?


Jason Rogers

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
    Proverbs 29:18

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