[Seaside] Performance problems with simple multipart POST requests

Vincent Girard-Reydet vincent.girard-reydet at f4-group.com
Fri Oct 27 08:45:01 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Does anyone know of performance problems with Squeak 3.9a / seaside in 
handling multipart POST requests ?

I have a simple component plugged on the entrypoint "/seaside/login". 
The component accepts POST data, and returns XML. The component derives 
from WAEntrypoint.

When I invoke it with URL encoded format:
   curl -d "login=toto" -d "password=titi" http://myserver/seaside/login
I get a response time < 0.5s (I haven't done precise profiling).

When I invoke it with multipart format:
   curl -F "login=toto" -F "password=titi" http://myserver/seaside/login
I get a response time > 2s !!!!

Using halt points I have seen that most of the processing time is due to 
seaside processing the request parameters. It takes almost 2s to get to 
the  #handleRequest: message of my component with the multipart invokation.

Does any one have tests to suggests and ideas on why it takes so long to 
seaside processing such simple parameters ?


Vincent Girard-Reydet

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