[Seaside] Gemstone / Magritte

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 16:41:26 UTC 2007

> > James is correct that in many cases you can override methods with no ill
> > effects, but in the case of the class-side #description method we'd have
> > to make some changes in the base GemStone code to avoid problems
> > (Monticello also uses #description and would get confused if
> > #description were overridden).
> >
> > At this point, I would say you count on us changing the infrastructure
> > to eliminate the problem.
> There is actually a chance that #description gets renamed in Magritte.
> The conensus is that #description is too general and often used for
> despritive texts.

Probably not too soon though. I once tried a spike solution with
Magritte and Pier, but gave up after a few hours. Unfortunately it is
not that trivial and I am involved in a dozen of active users, not to
mention all the other users. So I really need to find a good reason to
do it ... ;-)


Lukas Renggli

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