[Seaside] Form Input for One Field

Richard K Eng richard.eng at rogers.com
Thu Aug 16 12:42:07 UTC 2007

I have a strange problem. In the following form, I want the user to enter a 
username (email address), press Return, and thereby submit the form. But if 
this field is the only one with textInput, pressing Return doesn't seem to 
do anything. I need a second field, say, #dummy, in order to enable submit 
by pressing Return. (The focus can remain in the first field; the dummy is 
not used.)

Either way, clicking on the submit button works, but I also want the Return 
key to do the same thing.

 html form:
  [html div
   class: 'row';
    [html span
     class: 'formlabel';
     with: [html text: 'your username'].
    html span
     class: 'forminput';
     with: [html textInput on: #emailAddress of: user]].

"The following dummy field is needed to enable carriage return submit."
  html div
   class: 'row';
    [html span
     class: 'formlabel';
     with: [].
    html span
     class: 'forminput';
     with: [html textInput on: #dummy of: user]].

  html div
   class: 'spacer';
   with: ' '.

  html div
   class: 'row';
    [html span
     class: 'formlabel';
     with: [html text: ''].
    html span
     class: 'forminput';
      [(html submitButton class: 'submit'; on: #save of: self) text: 

If the dummy field is needed, is there a way to make it hidden or invisible? 
Is there a better way to achieve what I'm doing here?


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