[Seaside] WAComponent>>#call:/#answer: usage question

John Thornborrow john at pinesoft.co.uk
Tue Aug 21 12:47:59 UTC 2007


The below #renderContentOn: does not render, nor does the #call:'ed
component; I receive only a blank page.

I understand there have been some changes to the #call:/#answer:
methods, however I cannot find any reference to what I can use instead.

Any assistance is appreciated, thanks.

The code:

  options _ Dictionary new
    at: 'user' put: #FVAdminUser;
    at: 'blogCreate' put: #FVBlogCreate;
    at: 'moderation' put: #FVModeration;
    at: 'articleCreate' put: #FVAdminArticle;
    at: 'imageUpload' put: #FVImageUpload;
    at: 'subscriptionAdmin' put: #FVAdminSubscriptions;
  content := FVAdminOptions new registry: self registry.
  ^super initialize

FVAdmin>>#renderContentOn: html
  html heading level: 2; with: [
   html text: 'Administration Area'].
  self content: (self call: content)

FVAdmin>>#content: aString
  | cont |
  cont := options
    at: aString
    ifAbsent: [self error: 'Incorrect Option Chosen: ', aString].
  content := (Smalltalk at: cont) new registry: self registry

FVAdminOptions>>#renderContentOn: html
  html unorderedList with: [
    html listItem with: [
      html anchor
        callback: [self answer: 'user'];
        with: [html text: 'User Administration']].
    html listItem with: [
      html anchor
        callback: [self answer: 'articleCreate'];
        with: [html text: 'Create New/Edit existing Analysis Article']].
    html listItem with: [
      html anchor
        callback: [self answer: 'imageUpload'];
        with: [html text: 'Upload Images']].
    html listItem with: [
      html anchor
        callback: [self answer: 'subscriptionAdmin'];
        with: [html text: 'Administer Subscriptions']]]



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