[Seaside] How to Save a sorted list in Scriptaculous

Rajeev Lochan lochan94 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 20:30:05 UTC 2007

How does one save a sorted list back in the image ?
The details are as below.

ListView>> renderContentOn: html
html form: [
html render: self model title.
html div class: 'items';
                script: (html sortable tag: 'div';

                    onUpdate: (html request
                    triggerSortable: 'items'
                    callback: [:col | self model items: col]));
                with: [
                    self model items do: [:eachItem| self
                     html submitButton callback: [self answer: self model]]]

ListView>> renderItemOn: anItem
        table: [html
                tableRow: [html tableData id: 'checkBoxItem';

                        with: [html checkbox value: anItem done;

                                callback: [:value | anItem done: value]].
                    html tableData id: 'myListEditItems';
                        passenger: anItem;
                        with: [
                            html render: anItem title]]]

The page is rendered and the items can be sorted. The sorting is only done
on the client end. If I submit the button, the new order of the items isn't
updated. Am I missing anything ?

a) I tried to introduce a self halt in

html sortable tag: 'div';

                    onUpdate: (html request
                    triggerSortable: 'items'
                    callback: [:col | self halt.self model items: col]));

It didn't halt for debugging.

b) I tried to introduce a temp variable which stores items, as follows,

ListView>> renderContentOn: html
| tempList |
tempList := List new.
tempList items: self model items.
html form: [
html render: self model title.
html div class: 'items';
                script: (html sortable tag: 'div';

                    onUpdate: (html request
                    triggerSortable: 'items'
                    callback: [:col | tempList items: col]));
                with: [
                    tempList items do: [:eachItem| self
                     html submitButton callback: [self model items: tempList
items.self answer: self model]]]

I knew this wouldn't work either as I had failed earlier to update items
(which is an OrderCollection) by duplicating it and reassigning after

By googling around, I found a solution that has been implemented in PHP.


I am not able to comprehend it properly.

In a nutshell, I have a list saved in my squeak image, I retrieve the list
for sorting. After sorting it, it should be saved in the submitted order.

Hoping to find some help,

PS: I am using Damien's 2.8 image

Rajeev Lochan

Co-founder, AR-CAD.com

+91 9243468076 (Bangalore)
080 65355873
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