[Seaside] Options to distribute Squeak (Seaside) app withoutsource code

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Tue Dec 4 08:39:21 UTC 2007

> You mean
>     InterpreterSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName
> doesn't create an image browsing tool?  That seems to be part
> of the VMMaker package.

 I remember to create a little tool called ImageBrowser:


It loads an image with InterpreterSimulator, and looks at all classes
in the loaded image, access the method dictionaries and
CompiledMethods.  From a CompiledMethod, it gets the source pointer
and fetches the method source from the .changes file.

  One could modify it to decompile the compiled method with literals
in the other image.

-- Yoshiki

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