[Seaside] Problem with FileLibrary

Ron Teitelbaum Ron at USMedRec.com
Mon Feb 12 17:33:34 UTC 2007

The change to WAUrl>>pathString breaks my CSS FileLibrary background. 

.tabRounded .navigation-options {
        FONT-SIZE: 93%; BACKGROUND: url(files/USMRSTest2FileLibrary/bg.gif)
#dae0d2 repeat-x 50% bottom; WIDTH: 100%; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; float: left;

Because it now resolves to: /seaside/phi/files/USMRSTest2FileLibrary/bg.gif 
Instead of: /seaside/files/USMRSTest2FileLibrary/bg.gif

	^ String streamContents: [ :stream | 
		stream nextPut: $/.
			do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each ]
			separatedBy: [ stream nextPut: $/ ] ]
was changed to: 
       ^ String streamContents: [ :stream | 
       path do: [ :each | 
				nextPut: $/; 
				nextPutAll: each ].
		stream nextPut: $/ ]

The difference appears to be the last $/ which possibly affects the way that
FileLibrary resolves the path.  So is this a bug to Filelibrary or should we
change the css to include the application path?

Thanks for your help!

Ron Teitelbaum

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