[Seaside] [2.6b1-mb.131] URL changes?

Michel Bany michel.bany at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 22:30:15 UTC 2007

On 12 Feb 2007, at 23:08 , Boris Popov wrote:

> Michel,
> Just loaded latest VisualWorks version based on Seaside2.6b1-mb. 
> 131.mcz
> and having problems with URLs, redirects and such,
> - I've seen at least 3 endless redirects happen so far, can't  
> reproduce
> it
> - URLs used to be /app?_k=MpiiFjkQ now they're /app/?_k=gnFQfgKn,  
> what'd
> the rationale for this one?

Looks like a bug to me, i.e. no rationale.

Could you try the fix below in WAUrl and let me know and I publish a  
corrected version.

	^ String streamContents: [ :stream |
		path do: [ :each |
				nextPut: $/;
				nextPutAll: each ] ]


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