[Seaside] what is WAReadWriteLock used for?

Avi Bryant avi at dabbledb.com
Sun Feb 25 18:44:01 UTC 2007

On 2/25/07, Philippe Marschall <philippe.marschall at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I just had a look at WAKom >> #process: and I don't see a place where
> WAReadWriteLock is used for anything else but reading. So it should
> never do anything.
> Am I missing something or can it be removed?

The idea is that you use #write: when you have a block that should not
ever happen during a Seaside request - image snapshots are a good
example of this.

That said, I've stopped using it because it seems to be buggy - I was
getting blocked on #write: even when no processes were inside #read:,
which shouldn't happen.  So if you want to deem it a failed experiment
and get rid of it for now, I won't mind :)


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