[Seaside] Swazoo web server (was updateRoot: Weirdness)

Michel Bany m.bany at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jul 23 20:04:28 UTC 2007

Janko Mivšek a écrit :
> After inspecting SwazooServer singleton, a site (aSeasideSite) and its 
> uriPattern where aSiteIdentifier resists, I found it incorrectly set. 
> This site identifier is somehow set by name of my local machine and 
> external IP, but both should be 'localhost'. Or even better:
>     host:'locahost', ip:'' port:8008
> If you change that site identifier manually and restart SwazooServer 
> (SwazooServer stop; start), it will work correctly.
> Best regards
> Janko
> PS: Michel, would you correct that until next VW release?
Hi Janko,

It's already more or less done like this, I think.
The problem is that in some cases
    host: 'localhost' ip: '' port: 8008
does not always work in mac os.
Could you please try to load it and have a look?
To see how it's done, debug the following
    AAADocumentation new createSwazooServer
I'm interested in your comments regarding method #useLocalhost


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