[Seaside] Component with multiples decorations

Julien Berthaud j.berthaud at aureo.info
Tue Jun 12 15:41:48 UTC 2007

Hi Lukas,

I am trying to follow your tutorial on Seaside (I have found it on your 
web site).
This tutorial is really great and let me address you a big THANK for 
your impressive work.
This is the exercise 34 when editing a play.
>>   1) The buttons Ok and Cancel are displayed two times, one time inside
>> the form and one time just outside the form (just after the </form> 
>> tag).
> I tried to reproduce this, but could not.
I cannot reproduce it either once I have isolated this component.
>>   2) When I hit the <Enter> key inside the form I encountered an issue
>> telling me that WAValidationDecoration does not understand the message
>> defaultButton.
> I cannot reproduce this either.
I cannot reproduce it either once I have isolated this component.

So this may mean that both issues are dealing with encapsulation (My 
>> For the first issue, I have used a trick inside my CSS stylesheet in
>> order to remove the display of the second set of buttons.
>> Here is the dedicated part inside my style function.
> There is something wrong with your setup. The button definition #( Ok
> Cancel ) looks odd, do you actually have methods #Ok and #Cancel in
> your component?
I do. Here is the source code:
   ^ self answer: nil.

   ^ self answer: play.
>> For the second issue, I understand well that this message should be only
>> dedicated to the WAFormValidation component but why it is passed through
>> the other decoration (the validation one)?
>> After browsing the addDecoration method, I noticed that the decorations
>> are not collected through a list but they are chained. Here I guess that
>> form owner is MyComponent and that validation owner is form. I do not
>> know if I am right here? But anyway, I can't solve my problem.
> Can you provide a minimal file-out that shows the problem and that can
> be loaded and browsed with a single click?
> Lukas
I have embedded a file-out of my work (try to minimize it but STEditPlay 
is one my deepest component inside the application).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have set up an initialize class method inside STMainFrame component in 
order to register my app under 'Theater'.

I have file-out the model just in case but I think you already have it.

STMainFrame is the main class of the app.
I use the following rendering method:
STMainFram>>renderContentOn: html
   (html div)
       class: 'page';
               [self renderHeaderOn: html.
               self renderMenuOn: html.
               (html div)
                   class: 'main-view';
                   with: [html render: currentTask]]

currentTask is holding the children component regarding the action 
chosen by the user.
You can click on the 'Show Report' anchor.
In turn STShowReport may call STEditPlay when the user wants to edit a 
play (just click on the name of a play).
I think my encapsulation is pretty bad.
It seems to me that I am replacing currentTask (STShowReport) with 
STEditPlay but STMainFrame is not aware of STEditPlay (not declared in 
children method neither in the initialize method for backtracking).

I do not know exactly what needs to be done in fact.

Thank you for your time.
-------------- next part --------------
WATask subclass: #STBuyTicketTask
	instanceVariableNames: 'play playChooser show showChooser ticketChooser tickets'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:51'!

	playChooser :=  STPlayChooser new.
	^ self call: playChooser.! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:52'!
chooseAShow: aCollectionOfShows

	showChooser := STShowChooser withShows: aCollectionOfShows.
	^ self call: showChooser.
	! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:53'!
chooseATicket: aShow
	ticketChooser := STTicketChooser withShow: aShow.
	^ self call: ticketChooser.! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:47'!

	"self inform: 'Here is the start of my supa app... !!'."
	tickets := nil.
	self isolate: [
	"Choisir un spectacle"
	play := self chooseAPlay.
	"self inform: 'You choose the play named [', play title, ']'."
	[tickets = nil] whileTrue: [
		"Choisir ensuite un horaire pour le spectacle choisi précédemment."
		show := self chooseAShow: play shows.
		"elf inform: 'You choose the show named [', show printString, ']'."
		"Choisir plusieurs billets pour le show courant"
		tickets := self chooseATicket: show.
"	self inform: 'Liste des tickets commandés: ', tickets printString."
	"self inform: 'You choose ', nbTicket printString, ' tickets'."
	self call: (STTicketPrinter withTickets: tickets).
	! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:49'!

	play 	:= nil.
	tickets 	:= nil.	
	show 	:= nil.! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
	^ playChooser! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
playChooser: anObject
	playChooser := anObject! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
	^ showChooser! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
showChooser: anObject
	showChooser := anObject! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
	^ ticketChooser! !

!STBuyTicketTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:25'!
ticketChooser: anObject
	ticketChooser := anObject! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STBuyTicketTask class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STBuyTicketTask class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 00:13'!
	"Point d'entrée de l'application"
	^ true! !

WAComponent subclass: #STEditPlay
	instanceVariableNames: 'form play validationError'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 10:35'!

	^ self answer: nil.! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 10:35'!

	^ self answer: play.! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 6/1/2007 12:38'!
	form := WAFormDecoration new
				buttons: self buttons.
	self addDecoration: form! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 10:54'!

	^ true! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/31/2007 15:07'!
addNewError: aNewMsg toExistingError: aMsg

^ (aMsg isEmptyOrNil
	ifFalse: [aMsg, ' <br /> ']
	ifTrue: [aMsg]),
	aNewMsg.! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 6/1/2007 12:37'!

	"validationError := WAValidationDecoration new
						validateWith: [ :aPlay | | msg |
							aPlay isNil ifFalse: [
								msg := ''.
								aPlay title isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner le titre du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay kind isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner le type du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay author isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner l''auteur du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay description isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner la description du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								msg isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
									WAValidationNotification raiseSignal: msg.].
	self addDecoration: validationError."
	self validateWith: [ :aPlay | | msg |
							aPlay isNil ifFalse: [
								msg := ''.
								aPlay title isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner le titre du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay kind isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner le type du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay author isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner l''auteur du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								aPlay description isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [
									msg :=	msg :=	self addNewError: 'Vous devez renseigner la description du spectacle.' toExistingError: msg.].
								msg isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
									WAValidationNotification raiseSignal: msg.].
						].! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:48'!

	^ #(Ok Cancel)! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 6/11/2007 11:55'!
	super initialize.
	self addValidation.
	self addFormByDefault ifTrue: [self addForm]! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 10:42'!
renderContentOn: html 
	(html div)
		class: 'Edit-Play';
				[(html table)
					"border: 1;"
					align: 'center';
							[html tableCaption: 'Edit a play'.
							"(html tableHead)
								title: 'Edition d''un spectacle';
										[html tableRow with: [
											html tableHeading: '1st Column'.
											html tableHeading: '2nd Column'.
							html tableBody with: 
									[html tableRow with: 
											[html tableHeading: 'Title :'.
											html tableData with: 
													[(html textInput)
														on: #title of: self play;
														size: 30]].
									html tableRow with: 
											[html tableHeading: 'Kind :'.
											html tableData with: 
													[(html textInput)
														size: 30;
														on: #kind of: self play]].
									html tableRow with: 
											[html tableHeading: 'Author :'.
											html tableData with: 
													[(html textInput)
														size: 30;
														on: #author of: self play]].
									html tableRow with: 
											[html tableHeading: 'Description :'.
											html tableData with: 
													[(html textArea)
														columns: 60;
														rows: 10;
														on: #description of: self play]]]]]! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/28/2007 20:06'!
	^ play! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/28/2007 20:06'!
play: anObject
	play := anObject! !

!STEditPlay methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JB 6/1/2007 11:48'!

	^ self buttons first.! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STEditPlay class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STEditPlay class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 10:34'!
withPlay: aPlay

^ self new initialize;
	play: aPlay;
	yourself.! !

WATask subclass: #STExchangeTicketTask
	instanceVariableNames: 'ticketID selectedTicket selectedShow'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STExchangeTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:41'!
	| doIT |
	[self isTicketIDValid] whileFalse: 
			[ticketID ifNotNil: 
					[self inform: 'Your ticket was not found !! Please check you ticket ID.'].
			ticketID := self request: 'On your ticket, find the ID and enter it.'
						label: 'Next'].
	doIT := false.
	[doIT] whileFalse: 
			[selectedShow := self 
						call: (STShowChooser withShows: (selectedTicket show play shows 
										select: [:show | show = selectedTicket show ifTrue: [false] ifFalse: [true]])).
			doIT := self 
						call: (STTicketExchanger withTicket: ((selectedTicket copy)
										setShow: selectedShow;
	doIT ifTrue: [ selectedTicket setShow: selectedShow. ].
	self call: (STTicketPrinter withTickets: (Array with: selectedTicket)).! !

!STExchangeTicketTask methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 11:38'!

	ticketID := nil.
	selectedTicket := nil.! !

!STExchangeTicketTask methodsFor: 'validation' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 11:55'!
	"Renvoie VRAI si le ticket est effectivement trouvé
		sinon FAUX"
	"TicketID Nil => FAUX"
	ticketID isNil ifTrue: [^ false].
	"TicketID non entier => FAUX"
	[ticketID := ticketID asInteger]
		on: Exception
		do: [^ false].
	"Existe-t'il un ticket correspondant à ce numéro ? 
		Si OUI => VRAI
		Sinon => FAUX
	STTheater default do: [ :play | 
		play do: [ :show | 
			show do: [ :ticket |
				(ticketID = ticket id) ifTrue: [selectedTicket := ticket.].
	selectedTicket isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false].
	^ true.

"do: [ :ticket | (ticket id = ticketID) ifTrue: [^ true].]"! !

WAComponent subclass: #STMainFrame
	instanceVariableNames: 'buyTicketTask changeTicketTask currentTask editPlayTask showReportTask showTicketTask'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:30'!

	| childrens |
	"childrens := Array with: buyTicketTask."
	childrens := OrderedCollection new
				add: changeTicketTask;
				add: buyTicketTask;
				add: showReportTask;
				add: showTicketTask;
				add: editPlayTask;
	^ childrens asArray.! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 10:52'!
renderContentOn: html

	(html div)
	class: 'page';
	with: [
		self renderHeaderOn: html.
		self renderMenuOn: html.
		(html div)
		class: 'main-view';
		with: [ html render: currentTask. ].
	].! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:17'!
renderHeaderOn: html
	(html div)
	class: 'banniere';
	with: [
		(html div)
		class: 'haute';
		with: [
			(html span)
			class: 'theater-name';
			with: (STTheater default name).
			(html span)
			class: 'theater-season';
			with: (STTheater default season).
		(html div)
		class: 'basse';
		with: [html space].
	].! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:06'!
renderMenuOn: html

	(html div)
	class: 'menu';
	with: [	(html anchor)
			callback: [self buyTicket.];
			with: 'Buy Ticket'.
			html break.
			(html anchor)
			callback: [self changeTicket.];
			with: 'Change Ticket'.
			html break.
			(html anchor)
			callback: [self showTicket.];
			with: 'Show Ticket'.
			html break.
			(html anchor)
			callback: [self showReport.];
			with: 'Show Report'.
			html break.
			(html anchor)
			callback: [self editPlay.];
			with: 'Edit Play'.
	].! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:57'!
style ^ 'div.page {

div.banniere {

div.banniere div {

div.banniere div.haute {

div.banniere div.basse {

div.banniere div.haute span {

div.banniere div.haute span.theater-name {

div.banniere div.haute span.theater-season {

div.menu {
  border:4px dotted;

div.main-view {

div.dialog-buttons {

form div.dialog-buttons {
}'! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:26'!
	^ buyTicketTask! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/9/2007 00:26'!
buyTicketTask: anObject
	buyTicketTask := anObject! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 10:44'!
	^ changeTicketTask! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 10:44'!
changeTicketTask: anObject
	changeTicketTask := anObject! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:05'!
	^ editPlayTask! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:05'!
editPlayTask: anObject
	editPlayTask := anObject! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 18:09'!
	^ showReportTask! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 18:09'!
showReportTask: anObject
	showReportTask := anObject! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:49'!
	^ showTicketTask! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:49'!
showTicketTask: anObject
	showTicketTask := anObject! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 11:03'!

	self buyTicketTask: (STBuyTicketTask new).
	self currentTask: self buyTicketTask.
	! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 11:04'!

	self changeTicketTask: (STExchangeTicketTask new).
	self currentTask: self changeTicketTask.
	! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:25'!

	self editPlayTask: (STEditPlay withPlay: STTheater default plays someElement).
	self currentTask: self editPlayTask.
	! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:22'!
	super initialize.
	self buyTicket.
	self changeTicket.
	self showTicket.
	self showReport.
	self editPlay.
	currentTask := self buyTicketTask.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: buyTicketTask.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: changeTicketTask.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: showTicketTask.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: showReportTask.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: editPlayTask.! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:34'!

	self showReportTask: (STShowReport new).
	self currentTask: self showReportTask.
	! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:49'!

	self showTicketTask: (STShowTicketTask new).
	self currentTask: self showTicketTask.
	! !

!STMainFrame methodsFor: 'private api' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 10:49'!
currentTask: aNewTaskToRun

	currentTask ifNotNil: [ currentTask := aNewTaskToRun. ].! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STMainFrame class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STMainFrame class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 23:54'!

	^ true! !

!STMainFrame class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'JB 6/11/2007 11:56'!

	self registerAsApplication: 'Theater'.! !

WAComponent subclass: #STPlayChooser
	instanceVariableNames: 'plays criteria'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 01:55'!
	self plays: STTheater default plays asOrderedCollection.
	criteria := nil.! !

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 02:02'!
renderContentOn: html

	html div class: 'sort';
		with: [
			html anchor callback: [self sortBy: #title.];
				with: 'Title'.
			html space.
			html anchor callback: [self sortBy: #kind.];
				with: 'Kind'.
			html space.
			html anchor callback: [self sortBy: #author.];
				with: 'Author'.
	html break.
	self plays do: [ :play |
		html div class: 'play';
			with: [
				html div class: 'head';
					with: [
						html anchor callback: [self answer: play.];
							with: play title.
						html space.
						html text:'(', play kind , ') - ', play author.
				html div class: 'body';
					with: [
						html text: play description.
		html break.
		].! !

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/10/2007 00:14'!
style ^ 'div.sort {
  background-color: #eeeeee;

div.play {
  margin-top: 10px;

div.play div {

div.play div.head {
  font-size: 16pt;

div.play div.body {
  margin-left: 10px;
  width: 490px;
}'! !

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 00:22'!
	^ plays! !

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 00:22'!
plays: anArrayOfPlays
	plays := anArrayOfPlays.! !

!STPlayChooser methodsFor: 'sorting' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 02:01'!
sortBy: aSymbol 
		show: 'was here ... ' , aSymbol.
	criteria = aSymbol 
			[self plays: plays reversed.
			criteria := aSymbol]
			[| temp |
			temp := SortedCollection 
						sortBlock: [:play1 :play2 | (play1 perform: aSymbol) <= (play2 perform: aSymbol)].
			temp addAll: self plays.
			temp reSort.
			self plays: temp asOrderedCollection.
			criteria := aSymbol]! !

WAComponent subclass: #STShowChooser
	instanceVariableNames: 'shows selected dateStart dateEnd listDate'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/2/2007 00:29'!
	^ dateEnd! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/4/2007 11:21'!
dateEnd: aDate 
	dateEnd := aDate! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/2/2007 00:29'!
	^ dateStart! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/4/2007 11:20'!
dateStart: aDate
	dateStart := aDate! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/4/2007 11:18'!
	^ listDate! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/4/2007 11:21'!
listDate: aSortedCollection 
	listDate := aSortedCollection! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 23:08'!
	^ selected! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 23:09'!
selected: aShow 
	selected := aShow! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 23:08'!
	^ shows! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/1/2007 23:09'!
shows: anArrayOfShows 
	shows := anArrayOfShows! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/2/2007 01:32'!

	self shows: nil.
	self selected: nil.
	self dateEnd: nil.
	self dateStart: nil.! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 00:38'!
renderContentOn: html

	| |

	html div class: 'show'; with: [
	html div class: 'filter'; with: [
		self renderFilterOn: html.

	html break.
	(html div)
	  class: 'body'; with: [
		(html form)
			with: [
				(html div)
					id: 'liste';
					with: [ self renderHorairesOn: html. ].
				html break.
				(html submitButton)
					callback: [self selected: ([(self shows select: [ :show | 
								(show date >= TimeStamp now asDate) 
								and: [self dateStart ifNotNil: [show date >= self dateStart]]
								and: [self dateEnd ifNotNil: [show date <= self dateEnd]].]
										) first] on: Error do: [:err | nil. ]). ];
					text: 'Next'.
				html space.
				(html submitButton)
						callback: [self selected ifNotNil: [self answer: self selected].];
						text: 'Ok'.
			]. "Fin Formulaire"
	]. "Fin div.body"

	]. "Fin div.show"! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/6/2007 02:40'!
renderFilterOn: html

	html form 
		 id: 'horaires';
		 with: [
			html text: 'Filter from: '.
			html select
				list: self listDate;
				selected: self dateStart;
				labels: [ :value | value printString.];
				callback: [ :value | self dateStart: value.];
				onChange: (html updater 
								id: 'liste'; 
								triggerForm: 'horaires'; 
								callback: [:render | self renderHorairesOn: render]
			html space.
			html text: 'to: '.
			(html select)
				list: self listDate;
				labels: [ :value | value printString.];
				selected: self dateEnd;
				callback: [ :value | self dateEnd: value.];
				onChange: (html updater
					id: 'liste';
					triggerForm: 'horaires';
					callback: [ :r | self renderHorairesOn: r]).
			"html space.
			html submitButton
				callback: [self inform: 'date début: ', self dateStart printString, ' et date fin: ', self dateEnd printString.];
				text:  'Update'."
		].! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/6/2007 02:27'!
renderHorairesOn: html

	html select
		"class: 'liste';"
		list: (self shows select: [ :show | 
									(self dateStart ifNotNil: [show date >= self dateStart]) 
									and: [self dateEnd ifNotNil: [show date <= self dateEnd]]
		callback: [ :value | self selected: value.];
		labels: [ :show | show play title, ' - ', show date printString, ' ', show time printString. ];
		selected: self selected;
		size: 10.
		! !

!STShowChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/2/2007 01:07'!
style ^ '.filter {
  background-color: #eeeeee;
  padding: 5px;

.show {
  margin-top: 10px;

.show .body {
  margin-left: 10px;
  width: 490px;

.show .body .liste {
  width: 400px;
}'! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STShowChooser class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STShowChooser class methodsFor: 'new instance' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 18:16'!
withShows: anArrayOfShows 
	| sortedShows sortedDates |
	sortedDates := Set new.
	anArrayOfShows do: [:show | sortedDates add: show date].
	sortedDates := (SortedCollection new)
				addAll: sortedDates;
	sortedShows := (SortedCollection 
				sortBlock: [:show1 :show2 | show1 date <= show2 date])
				addAll: anArrayOfShows;
	^ (self new)
		shows: sortedShows;
		dateStart: sortedShows first date;
		dateEnd: sortedShows last date;
		listDate: sortedDates;
		yourself! !

WAComponent subclass: #STShowReport
	instanceVariableNames: 'rapport batchedList data'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STShowReport methodsFor: 'processing' stamp: 'JB 5/12/2007 00:49'!
	"Il faut avoir une variable de stockage de la liste entière
	afin de pouvoir faire des tris dessus.
	Cependant la fonction de tri est déclenchée dans le rapport HTML.
	Il faut donc récupérer (pour une row donnée):
		-  la manière d'évaluer une donnée de la colonne (WATableReport::valueBlock sétté par selector:)
		-  la manière de tri cette colonne (WATableReport::sortBlock sétté par sortBlock:)
	Rq: Comme il n'y a pas d'accessor pour les deux précédentes variables, il faut ruser et
		utiliser Object>>instVarNamed: 'nom_de_la_variable'.
	Bien penser à inverser la liste si on re-clique sur la même colonne de tri.
	Une fois le tri fait globalement, il convient de n'afficher que les éléments demandés 
	par l'utilisateur grâce au WABatchedList.
	On re-fournit les données triées au WABatchedList qui lui-même 
	re-fournit ses données tronquées au rapport WAReportTable.

	data := data sortBy: [:a :b | 
		(rapport sortColumn instVarNamed: 'sortBlock')
		value: ((rapport sortColumn instVarNamed: 'valueBlock') value: a) 
		value: ((rapport sortColumn instVarNamed: 'valueBlock') value: b)
	(rapport isReversed) ifTrue: [data := data reversed].
	batchedList items: data.
	rapport rows: batchedList batch.! !

!STShowReport methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 23:05'!

	^ Array
		with: rapport
		with: batchedList.! !

!STShowReport methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/29/2007 11:47'!
	| cols rows |
	cols := (OrderedCollection new)
			add: ((WAReportColumn
					"selector: #play"
					renderBlock: [ :row :html | 
						(html anchor)
						callback: [ | play |
							play := self call: (STEditPlay withPlay: row play copy).
							play ifNotNil: [
								row play title: play title.
								row play kind: play kind.
								row play author: play author.
								row play description: play description.
						with: row play title.
					title: 'Play')	formatBlock: [ :play | play title];
								sortBlock: [ :a :b | a title < b title];
			add: (WAReportColumn 
					renderBlock: [ :obj | obj play kind.]
					title: 'Kind');
			add: ((WAReportColumn 
					selector: #play
					title: 'Author')	formatBlock: [ :play | (play author = 'n/a') ifTrue: ['-'] ifFalse: [play author]];
									sortBlock: [ :a :b | a author < b author];
			add: ((WAReportColumn 
					selector: #timestamp
					title: 'Timestamp')	formatBlock: [ :obj | obj asDate printString, ' ', obj asTime printString.	];
							"sortBlock: [:a :b | a timestamp < b timestamp];"
			add: (WAReportColumn 
					selector: #placesFree
					title: 'Free');
			add: (WAReportColumn 
					selector: #placesSold
					title: 'Sold');
			add: (WAReportColumn 
					selector: #placesTotal
					title: 'Total');
			rows := OrderedCollection new.
			(STTheater default)
				do: [ :play | rows addAll: play shows].
			data := rows sortBy: [ :show1 :show2 | show1 timestamp < show2 timestamp ].
	batchedList := (WABatchedList new)
					items: data;
					batchSize: 10;
	rapport := WATableReport new
				columns: cols;
				rows: data;
				rowPeriod: 1;
				rowColors: #(lightblue lightyellow);
				sortColumn: ((cols select: [ :column | column title = 'Timestamp']) at: 1);

! !

!STShowReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/12/2007 01:19'!
renderContentOn: html 

	"updateData a un rôle de contrôlleur et ne modifie pas les données du modèle.
	Il s'agit juste d'un tri conformément aux exigences de tri des deux composants réunis.
	self updateData.

	(html div)
	class: 'rapport';
	with: [
		(html heading)
			class: 'titre';
			with: 'Liste des horaires'.
		html break.
		(html div)
		class: 'rapport';
		with: [
			html render: rapport.
		html break.
		(html div)
		class: 'navigation';
		with: [
			html render: batchedList.
		html break.
		].! !

!STShowReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/12/2007 01:21'!
style ^ 'div.rapport .titre {

div.rapport div.rapport table {

div.rapport div.navigation {
}'! !

WATask subclass: #STShowTicketTask
	instanceVariableNames: 'ticketID selectedTicket'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STShowTicketTask methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:46'!

	[self isTicketIDValid] whileFalse: 
			[ticketID ifNotNil: 
					[self inform: 'Your ticket was not found !! Please check you ticket ID.'].
			ticketID := self request: 'On your ticket, find the ID and enter it.'
						label: 'Next'].
	self call: (STTicketPrinter withTickets: (Array with: selectedTicket)).! !

!STShowTicketTask methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:46'!

	ticketID := nil.
	selectedTicket := nil.! !

!STShowTicketTask methodsFor: 'validation' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:45'!
	"Renvoie VRAI si le ticket est effectivement trouvé
		sinon FAUX"
	"TicketID Nil => FAUX"
	ticketID isNil ifTrue: [^ false].
	"TicketID non entier => FAUX"
	[ticketID := ticketID asInteger]
		on: Exception
		do: [^ false].
	"Existe-t'il un ticket correspondant à ce numéro ? 
		Si OUI => VRAI
		Sinon => FAUX
	STTheater default do: [ :play | 
		play do: [ :show | 
			show do: [ :ticket |
				(ticketID = ticket id) ifTrue: [selectedTicket := ticket.].
	selectedTicket isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false].
	^ true.! !

WAComponent subclass: #STTicketChooser
	instanceVariableNames: 'requiredPlaces show tickets'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/7/2007 23:17'!
	^ requiredPlaces! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/7/2007 23:17'!
requiredPlaces: anObject
	requiredPlaces := anObject! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 11:34'!
setShow: anObject 
	show := anObject! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 11:36'!
	^ show! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/7/2007 23:06'!
	^ tickets! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/7/2007 23:06'!
tickets: anObject
	tickets := anObject! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 11:34'!
	self tickets: nil.
	self setShow: nil.
	self requiredPlaces: -1! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 19:29'!
renderContentOn: html 
	"self tickets do: [:each | html text: (each id)]."
	(html div)
		class: 'ticket';
		with: [
			(html form)
				with: [
				(html table)
					with: [
						(html tableRow) 
							with: [
								(html tableData)
									with: 'Places Left'.
								(html tableData)
									with: (self show placesFree).
						(html tableRow) 
							with: [
								(html tableData)
									with: 'Required Places'.
								(html tableData)
									with: [
										(html textInput) 
											value: '1';
											callback: [ :value | 
												 | nbPlaces |
												((nbPlaces := self isRequiredPlacesValid: value) > 0)
													ifTrue: [
														self requiredPlaces: nbPlaces.
													] ifFalse: [
														self inform: 'You need to choose a value between 1 and ', self show placesFree printString.
				(html submitButton)
					callback: [(self requiredPlaces > 0)
								ifTrue: [
									self answer: (self show nextTickets: self requiredPlaces).
					text: 'Ok'.
				(html submitButton)
					callback: [self answer: nil.];
					text: 'Cancel'.
						! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 11:50'!
style ^ 'div.ticket table {
}'! !

!STTicketChooser methodsFor: 'validation' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 19:25'!
isRequiredPlacesValid: aValue

	"aValue représente la valeur donnée par l'utilisateur.
	Tente de convertir en valeur entière puis teste les valeurs admises."

	| nbPlaces |
	nbPlaces := aValue asInteger.
		ifNil: [
			^ -1.
		] ifNotNil: [
			(nbPlaces > 0 and: [nbPlaces <= self show placesFree ])
				ifTrue: [
					^ nbPlaces.
				] ifFalse: [
					^ -1.
"self inform: 'You need to enter an integer !!'.
self inform: 'You need to choose a value between 1 and '
	, self show placesFree printString.
"! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STTicketChooser class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STTicketChooser class methodsFor: 'new instance' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 11:34'!
withShow: aShow 
	^ (self new)
		setShow: aShow;
		yourself! !

WAComponent subclass: #STTicketExchanger
	instanceVariableNames: 'printedTicket'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STTicketExchanger methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:22'!
	^ Array with: printedTicket.! !

!STTicketExchanger methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:24'!
	^ printedTicket! !

!STTicketExchanger methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:24'!
printedTicket: anObject
	printedTicket := anObject! !

!STTicketExchanger methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:38'!
renderContentOn: html 
	(html div)
		class: 'ticket-echange';
				[(html heading)
					with: 'Confirm your exchange order'.
				html break.
				html span with: 'This ticket will be the new one ?'.
				html render: printedTicket.
				html form with: 
						[(html submitButton)
							value: 'Yes, Change it !!';
							callback: [self answer: true].
						(html submitButton)
							value: 'Cancel';
							callback: [self answer: false]]]! !

!STTicketExchanger methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:22'!
	printedTicket := nil.! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STTicketExchanger class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STTicketExchanger class methodsFor: 'new instance' stamp: 'JB 5/11/2007 15:36'!
withTicket: aTicket 
	^ (self new)
		printedTicket: (STTicketPrinter withTickets: (Array with: aTicket));
		yourself! !

WAComponent subclass: #STTicketPrinter
	instanceVariableNames: 'tickets'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tutorial-Theater-View'!

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 12:03'!

	self tickets: nil.! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 12:05'!
	"Return the collection of STTicket."
	^ tickets! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 12:04'!
tickets: aCollectionOfTicket
	tickets := aCollectionOfTicket! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 14:17'!
formatNumberOfTicket: iRank

	(self tickets size <= 1) 
	ifTrue:		[
		^ ''.
	] ifFalse:	[
		^ '(', iRank printString, '/', self tickets size printString, ')'.

! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 14:26'!
renderContentOn: html 
	| iRank |
	(html div)
	class: 'tickets';
	with: [
		html heading: 'The ticket(s), you ordered' level: 1.
		html break.
		iRank := 0.
		tickets do: [:each |
			iRank := iRank + 1.
			self renderOneTicketReceipt: each order: iRank on: html.

	"(html div)
	with: [ | plays |
		plays := (tickets collect: [:each | each show play]) asSet.
		plays do: [:play | html text: play title. html break.].
	]."! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 14:17'!
renderOneTicketReceipt: aTicket order: aRankInteger on: html

	(html div)
	class: 'ticket-receipt';
	with: [
		(html span)
		class: 'theater-name';
		with: (aTicket show play theater name).
		"html break."
		(html span)
		class: 'play-name';
		with: (aTicket show play title), ' ', (self formatNumberOfTicket: aRankInteger).
		"html break."
		(html span)
		class: 'show-date';
		with: (aTicket show date).
		"html break."
		(html span)
		class: 'show-time';
		with: (aTicket show time).
		"html break."
		(html span)
		class: 'ticket-no';
		with: 'Ticket: ', aTicket id printString.
		].! !

!STTicketPrinter methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 14:18'!
style ^ 'div.tickets {

div.tickets h1 {

div.tickets div.ticket-receipt {
  border:2px solid SlateGray;
  float: left;

div.tickets div.ticket-receipt span {
  clear: left;
  float: left;

div.tickets div.ticket-receipt span.theater-name {

div.tickets div.ticket-receipt span.play-name {

div.tickets div.ticket-receipt span.ticket-no {
}'! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

STTicketPrinter class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!STTicketPrinter class methodsFor: 'new instance' stamp: 'JB 5/8/2007 13:58'!
withTickets: aCollectionOfTicket

	^ (self new) 
		tickets: (aCollectionOfTicket asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a id < b id]);
		yourself.! !

STMainFrame initialize!

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