[Seaside] Re: SUSlider & SUPeriodical

Udo Schneider Udo.Schneider at homeaddress.de
Sat May 5 09:13:59 UTC 2007

Udo Schneider wrote:
> 1) two sliders appear on the website and both are functional
> I assume there is a conflict between the initial render using with
> and subsequent renders from the updater. But I can't quite get what
> to do.
I solved the first problem by having an empty #with:

> 2) only the first slider gets updated on a regular basis and allways 
> flickers when doing that. It seems that the whole div is redrawn 
> everytime including the silder being in zero position initially.
Any hint on this?

Just out of curiosity ... how to I update several Elements based on 
Periodical updates? Let's say a slider at the top and an number at the 
bottom of a page?



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