[Seaside] ProxyPass and the P Option

Richard Eng richard.eng at rogers.com
Tue Nov 6 17:12:41 UTC 2007

But isn't imageName1 the same as imageName2 ? In other words, imageName is a
constant, in my case, "GoodSexNetwork", since 'SmalltalkImage current
imageName' returns '/home/richard/seaside/GoodSexNetwork.image'.

I think the cookie needs to be made unique with, say, the port number. How
do you obtain the port number in Seaside?


Ramon wrote:

Have Seaside write out the image name in a cookie as the last step in your
initial request (making sure to grab any state you need first).

initialRequest: aRequest
    self parseAnyNeededParams: aRequest.

    (self session currentRequest cookieAt: #server)
        ifNil: [self session redirectWithCookie:
                key: #server
                value: 'seaside.',
                    ((SmalltalkImage current imageName copyAfterLast:
                        FileDirectory slash asCharacter) copyUpToLast:

And configure your cluster with the route=imageName

<Proxy balancer://seaside_cluster>
    BalancerMember  http://localhost:3001/seaside  route=imageName1
    BalancerMember  http://localhost:3002/seaside  route=imageName2

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