[Seaside] Re: WATask & Ajax question

Sebastian Sastre ssastre at seaswork.com
Fri Nov 16 17:38:10 UTC 2007

> Building AJAX heavy applications in Seaside is truly painful. 
> AJAX does not work together with replacing children and the 
> #call:/#answer:
> mechanism.
Hi Lukas, all, I'm using intensely ajax and figured out a way to mimic 95%
of behavior of call:/answer: mechanism with (yet again) the MVP components
I'm using. I can make a component do something like:

AnyPresenter>>askSomeQuestionAndDo: aBlock
	self prompt: 'Some question..' onAnswer: aBlock

MVPPresenter>>prompt: aString onAnswer: aBlock
	"Makes the prompter to be superposed to 
	the receiver until an user answer is given."

	self superpose: (MVPPrompter new
					model: aString;
					onUnsuperposition: aBlock;

So when AnyPresenter is updated the prompter is superposed until an answer
is given by the user. (In fact you can superpose any presenter to any

It's very new, I made that about 10 days ago but I have no complains.

Of course backtrack does not work with this as any other ajax but at least I
have the feature without relinquishing to intense ajax at a very fair price.


PD: Once inside application I'm not using tasks anymore.

> Seaside and AJAX work well together for small status updates 
> of an existing component tree. Also enhancing the user 
> experience by providing sophisticated widgets or submitting 
> and updating forms works very well.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
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