[Seaside] SVG Rendering Engine

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 19:35:23 UTC 2008

> - Basic set of SVG Elements (mainly Shapes, Text, Images,..) subset of SVG
> Tiny

A full implementation of SVG tiny would be a good start.

> - Generated SVG XML should work in all Standard browsers

That's too limiting. For IE one has to install a plugin, and for the
rest it just works (as usual). I think this is easy to communicate, if
you have a graphical application that people have to use a real
browser or install a plugin.

> - SVG ECMA Scripting
> - AJAX Javascript Library to move and or modify elements
> - AJAX Javascript Library to create or delete elements

Prototype and script.aculo.us should work to some extent with SVG
nodes. At least in FireFox, Safari and Opera. In most cases it makes
sense to have propre fallback implementations anyway.

> > We need a nice SVGCanvasRenderer with a nice set of brushes :)

I know / have heard of at least 3 SVG implementations in Seaside. It
is rather disappointing that nobody takes the time to publish his
solution to SqueakSource.


Lukas Renggli

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