[Seaside] Classbrowser trouble

Sebastian Heidbrink sebastian_heidbrink at yahoo.de
Tue Apr 8 06:10:05 UTC 2008

Hi folks!

Well, I still can't really say, why I had these problems, but I solved it.
I just reinstalled an older Version of the seaside2.8a1 package and 
installed the .540 version again and everything was fine again.

It didn't make any difference using WAKom or WAKomEncoded39...

I'm using the SOAP-OPERA package for server commincation and RFB-Server 
for VNC plugin. Maybe there I just overloaded some seaside important 
features of WAKom.

There's definitely now seaside bug!

The only problem I still got is, that every time I change and save a 
methode in the seaside classbrowser, every line starts with that 
"BoxCharacter" in the beginning.

Is there anybody else using SOAP within his Seaside application? I still 
have some trouble with the XSD decoding...

Anyway! I absolutely love Seaside and hope that instantiations will soon 
release there 8.0 Version!!! There's hi potential in the german 
financial and insurance sector!

 @Phillippe: I think your information might have included the right 
solution, but I alread reloaded everything ;-(

Thanks a lot for your efforts!
Have a nice day at the seaside!!!

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