[Seaside] exceptions while debugging - frozen UI

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 14:40:25 UTC 2008

>  - click on the callback method, step over halt, step over zork

I cannot reproduce that. I get an internal error displayed in the web browser.

>  - UI is frozen, image is still alive

The problem is that you are trying to request another page in the same
session, while you have the stepping debugger open. Every session has
a mutex that prevents the handling of multiple requests though. Since
the debugger runs in the GUI thread this locks up Squeak.

If I press Ctrl+. and close the old debugger, I get a new one on the
message not understood zork. So everything seems normal here.

Generally you should avoid stepping over code that causes a response
to be sent out to the browser, like the error with the #zork, or when
doing a #call: or #answer:. In the current implementation this cannot
possibly work within a single debugger, as there are many different
processes involved (every request gets a new process).


Lukas Renggli

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