[Seaside] HTML method naming conventions

Holger Kleinsorgen kleinsor at smallish.org
Fri Apr 11 08:23:02 UTC 2008

Edward Stow wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Steve Aldred
> <aldreds at velocitynet.com.au> wrote:
>> In the "SVG design questions" thread Philippe Marschall wrote:
>>> Just a side note here. Wherever possible we tried to avoid the C-ish
>>> names of html elements in Seaside and used full names instead. So
>>> instead of #img we name #image. Here this would mean #rectangle
>>> instead of #rect.
>>  Not trying to be difficult or anything but why?
>>  Given to use Seaside you have to have a good understanding of HTML where is
>> the advantage in translating tags to different message name? Renaming for
>> the sake of being 'Smalltalkish" just makes entry for existing web
>> developers that much more difficult. How many people have tried to send #tr
>> and #td?
> + 1  I would prefer to use html tag names, td, tr, a.
> And seaside adds to the html language disconnect by using #url: for
> src and href attributes.

There's a SVG example that lets me agree with the "full names" policy:

The SVG path tag. The following example draws a simple pie chart:

    d="M600,350 l 50,-25
       a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
       a25,50 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
       a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
       a25,100 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25"
    fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5"/>

the path is encoded in the "d" attribute as a set of primitives. A 
letter represends a command (move to, elliptical arc to). Uppercase 
characters imply absolute coordinates, lowercase characters relative 

If this would be translated directly into a SVGPathTag, using the names 
specified in the W3C SVG spec, the Smalltalk code would look like this:

svg path d: "M600,350 l 50,-25 a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 a25,50 -30 
0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 a25,100 -30 0,1 
50,-25 l 50,-25"


svg path
    Mx: 600 y: 350;
    lx: 50 y: -25;
    arx: 25 ry: 25 x-axis-rotation: -30 large-arc-flag: 0 sweep-flag: 1 
x: 50 y: 25;
    lx: 50 y: -25;

or maybe

svg path
    M: 600 at 350;
    l: 50 at -25;
    a: 25 at 25 x-axis-rotation: -30 large-arc-flag: 0 sweep-flag: 1 to: 50 at 25;
    lx: 50 y: -25;

but currently it looks like this:

svg path
   moveTo: 600 at 350 relative: false;
   lineTo: 50 at -25 relative: true;
   arcTo: 50 at 25 radius: 25 at 25 rotation: -30 large: true sweep: true 
relative: true.
   lineTo: 50 at 25 relative: true;

or alternatively (using a state flag)

svg path
   moveTo: 600 at 350 relative: false;
   lineTo: 50 at -25;
   arcTo: 50 at 25 radius: 25 at 25 rotation: -30 large: true sweep: true;
   lineTo: 50 at 25;

much easier to read.

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