[Seaside] Scaling Seaside

Richard Eng richard.eng at rogers.com
Tue Apr 29 14:16:49 UTC 2008

Just out of curiosity, if I should need to scale my Seaside app beyond  
my one Linux box, exactly how do I do that?

I am currently using Apache to load-balance over several Squeak VMs:

<Proxy balancer://seaside_cluster>
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9090/seaside/go  route=GSN9090
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9091/seaside/go  route=GSN9091
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9092/seaside/go  route=GSN9092
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9093/seaside/go  route=GSN9093

Do I add a second Linux box that runs additional Squeak VMs (but does  
not run Apache)? Say, the second Linux box is at IP  
Then do I edit the above to:

<Proxy balancer://seaside_cluster>
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9090/seaside/go  route=GSN9090
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9091/seaside/go  route=GSN9091
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9092/seaside/go  route=GSN9092
	BalancerMember  http://localhost:9093/seaside/go  route=GSN9093
	BalancerMember  route=GSN9200
	BalancerMember  route=GSN9201
	BalancerMember  route=GSN9202

Is it really that simple and straightforward?


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