[Seaside] Updating multiple elements when a multi-select changes

Paul Price paul at unitmath.com
Sun Mar 16 03:29:43 UTC 2008

Two questions:
ONE:  How do I trigger the form and set multiple text fields in onClick: ?
TWO:  How do I set multiple text fields in the callback: ?

   Sorry to ask this question, I read many of the last posts 
(including most with #evaluator), and all the tutorials I could find, 
but I'm stuck.

   I'm trying to get preferences for my program. I have four check boxes
 and three multi select controls. The controls are interrelated and I want
 the user to clearly see the what's going on.  Therefore when one control
changes the examples for other controls must change.

   I started with the code from SUFormTest and was fairly quickly able to
 get this kind of result.

'Decimal Digits'.    0-9{7}    pi ~ 3.1415927
Exponential Notation  Y/N{Y}    1234567 = 1.234567e6

and when I changed the digits multi-select to 1 I see
'Decimal Digits'.    0-9{1}    pi ~ 3.1
Exponential Notation  Y/N{Y}   1234567 = 1.234567e6

and what I want to see is
'Decimal Digits'.    0-9{1}    pi ~ 3.1
Exponential Notation  Y/N{Y}   1234567 = 1.2e6

  renderContentOn: html 
 html div class: 'lightbox';
  with: [html div class: 'title';
    with: [html text: '...'].
    table: [self 
       renderScentificNotationOn: html;
       renderDecimalDigitsOn: html];
    form: [html submitButton text: 'OK';
      callback: [self answer: self].
     html submitButton text: 'Cancel';
      callback: [self answer: nil]]]

renderDecimalDigitsOn: html 
 | modelId formId |
 formId := 'Decimal Digits Form'.
 modelId := 'Decimal Digits Model'.
 html div class: 'row';
  with: [html div class: 'label';
     with: 'Decimal Digits'.
   html div class: 'control';
    with: [html div class: 'control';
      with: [html form id: formId;
       with: [html select
         list: (0 to: 9);
          selected: self unitMathPreferencesModel displayDigits;
         callback: [:value | 
          self unitMathPreferencesModel displayDigits: value.
          self setExamples.];
          onClick: (html updater id: modelId;
           triggerForm: formId;
          callback: [:r | r render: digitsEx])]]].
  html div class: 'model';
    id: modelId;
    with: digitsEx.
  html div class: 'clear'].

{The callback is triggered and the 'model' text is changed.  
( digitsEx is set in the method setExamples. )}

 Code II
Changing the on onClick: to

 onClick: ((html evaluator
   callback: [:script | 
    script element id: modelId;
      render: 'test ' , digitsEx.
   script element id: 'Show Exp Model';
      render: 'test # changed digits' , sciNotEx]) 

{Both the exp and digits models changed, so I can change the text in
 multiple places in response to the action, but the form was not 

Now I need to trigger the form, and set the values. I'm at a loss. 
How do I do this? 

 I tried
Code III

 onClick: (html evaluator
    callback: [:script | 
      script canvas updater triggerForm: formId.
      script element id: modelId;
        render: 'test ' , digitsEx.
   script element id: 'Show Exp Model';
     render: 'test # changed digits' , 

{Both the exp and digits models changed to test, but the form 
did not trigger, and the digits did not change.} 

I have tried may options around script canvas updater triggerForm: 
formId, and none work.

I then reverted back to the first onClick: and tried to set the other 
values in the callback.

callback: [:value | 
 self unitMathPreferencesModel displayDigits: value.
  self setExamples.
 html element id: 'Show Exp Model';
   render: 'test # changed digits' , sciNotEx];
   onClick: (html updater id: modelId;
   triggerForm: formId;

  callback: [:r | r render: digitsEx])]]].

{ The sciNotEx is never updated }

I tried many options around html element, but none worked.

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