[Seaside] Seaside Error Handler for emailing the error

Nevin Pratt nevin at bountifulbaby.com
Wed May 7 14:15:16 UTC 2008

John Thornborrow wrote:
> For a simple solution, create a subclass of WAErrorHandler and 
> override #handleError:
> EmailErrorHandler>>handleError: anError
>     SMTPClient
>         deliverMailFrom: 'foo at bar.com'
>         to: 'bar at foo.com'
>         text: 'Subject: Seaside error - ', anError messageText,'
> The was an error!
> ', anError stackString: 100

Yep, that's what I did.  This is what I have (except with real email 
addresses instead of the 'foo at bar.com' stuff).  I also currently have 
the 'self halt' in the error handler (as shown below), but might replace 
it with 'self resume' or something else later.



handleError: anError
    | str response |
    [str := ReadWriteStream with: String new.
    str nextPutAll: 'Date: '.
    str nextPutAll: MailMessage dateStampNow.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    str nextPutAll: 'From: '.
    str nextPutAll: 'website at bar.com'.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    str nextPutAll: 'Subject: Stack Walkback
To: admin at bar.com'.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    str nextPutAll: anError printString.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    str nextPut: Character cr.
    (anError signalerContext sender stackOfSize: 15)
        do: [:ea |
            ea printDetails: str.
            str nextPut: Character cr.
            str nextPutAll: '--------------------------------------'.
            str nextPut: Character cr].
    str nextPut: Character linefeed.
        deliverMailFrom: 'website at bar.com'
        to: (Array with: 'admin at bar.com')
        text: str contents]
        on: Error
        do: [:ex | self halt].
    response := WAResponse new.
    response nextPutAll: '<h1>Error</h1> There has been an internal 
error.  The system administrator has been notified.<br><br>If you have 
questions or concerns, you can contact our Foo Bar office toll free at: 
877-6FOOBAR<br>or email us at sales at bar.com.'.
    WACurrentSession value returnResponse: response

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