[Seaside] Examples of Google Maps in Seaside

James Foster Smalltalk at JGFoster.net
Mon Apr 6 14:12:56 UTC 2009

As a follow-up to our recent workshop at Santa Fe, I've put a  
Monticello package up at http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/ 
GoogleMaps.html. This is based very closely on http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/examples/ 
  in that it has hard-coded JavaScript. No effort yet in making a true  
OO library that provides Smalltalk objects to manage the underlying  
maps. Mostly, this is a research effort to discover what capabilities  
are being exposed by the examples and put them in Smalltalk classes.

If you want to be added as a developer on the repository, let me know.

James Foster

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