[Seaside] Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

stephane ducasse stephane.ducasse at free.fr
Sat Apr 18 10:08:30 UTC 2009

Excellent Francois thanks for the translation from cucumber dialect to  
human :)
> "
> Hi everybody,
> I've been working with Seaside on VW and it seems to me that some  
> Smalltalk coding conventions have been forgotten. It makes the code  
> hard to read (at least for me). Here are some examples:
> - factory methods should generally start with "new".
> WATree class root: anObject
> would be more clear if named:
> WATree class newWithRoot: anObject

Never heard about that convention.
Never used it.
even in SmalltalkWithStyle.

> - In VW, it seems that namespaces bindings are quite slow.
> - WARequest behaviour seems to be spread in the system. It makes  
> debbuging harder than necessary.
> - Usage of string instead of symbols. Example:
> WARenderContinuation -> shouldRedirect: aRequest
> ^ aRequest isGet not or: [(aRequest fields includesKey: '_n') not]
> The string '_n' is used in many places in the code. Why not a  
> symbol? Is there any technical reason?
> - ...
> That were some points that annoyed me in Seaside, if you want i can  
> provide a detailed list, fill some tickets and provide some patches...
> Cheers,
> Peter Jedermann
> "
> Easy enough isn't it? Certainly not ideal but people would certainly  
> listen and discuss about the issues you address.
> Have fun,
> Francois
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