[Seaside] SUDraggable and id

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 15:15:01 UTC 2009

> I have a problem in maintaining my div id structure while using
> scriptaculous draggable elements.

#passenger: maintains its own id to object mapping.

The problem is that Scriptaculous expects the IDs to have a specific
form, to know what elements to serialize.

I don't see a quick fix for that limitation, but I guess you could use
and update your own mapping with the ID that Seaside proposes?

I guess this is not the case, but you use the ID for styling you
should instead use a CLASS. Another possiblitliy would be to nest two
DIVs, one to drag around and one with your custom ID.


Lukas Renggli

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