[Seaside] post form to external website

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at allresnet.com
Fri Jan 9 22:44:21 UTC 2009

> Hello all,
> I'm building a Seaside (version 2.9) component for uploading 
> files directly to an Amazon S3 bucket. For this AWS supports 
> HTTP POST requests, see 
> http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/index.ht
> ml?UsingHTTPPOST.html
> I can create the form that fulfills the AWS specifications, 
> with one exception: Seaside adds two hidden parameters to the 
> for _s and _k This breaks the AWS security checks on the form 
> parameters.
> These parameters are not required when posting to an external 
> website. Is there an easy way to remove them in this situation?
> Regards,
> Jan.

Just thinking about this off the top of my head, are you sure this has
anything to do with Seaside?  

Form submits happen on the client, when you submit a form to anywhere, all
the inputs in the form and all the parameters in the current url will be
submitted to the target url.  I imagine the _s and _k are there because
they're in the URL, not because Seaside is doing anything funky or including
any hidden params.  I don't see any hidden params in my forms.

Ramon Leon

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