[Seaside] [ANN] Merchant | a credit card processing library

Sebastian Sastre ssastre at seaswork.com
Thu Jul 2 00:13:22 UTC 2009

Hi guys,
I've decided our community hasn't enough millionaires. I think we need to start
to do something to fix that broken. This will *not* fix that but it *may* help

As said, it's a library to process cards through a gateway. Right now it has
only one concrete gateway but I've tried hard to factorize things to make it
simple yet flexible. In some aspects is kind of ActiveMerchant but solving a
less bloated problem. 

Yesterday I've tested the first succesful transactions (using stunnel for https
client). It is a very alpha work in progress. Provided AS IS. You should use it
only *knowing* that it *could* have defects.

If you found it useful and your are not in Brazil you can add your concrete
gateway yourself or contract someone to do it for you. It's MIT licensed and I
think it has clean documented code suggesting anyone can help you with your
Seaside based business.

Access it in squeaksource.com or http://www.squeaksource.com/Merchant
Requisites: Cryptography (needed for some MD5 hashes)

A purchase look like this:

	cc := MERCreditCard new
			cardNumber: '4444333322221111'; "a test card"
			cardVerificationValue: '123';
			expiration: Date today month next asDate;
	order := MERDummyOrder new
			amount: 5;
			expiration: cc expiration;
			cardHash: cc cardHash;
	gateway := MERiPAGAREGateway merchantId: yourMerchantId securityId:
	gateway purchase: order with: cc.

I dedicate this to the small ones that think big

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